Laudato Si

This award is open to all staff in schools and CEO offices. Individuals or group initiatives can be nominated for this award. 

Nominations for this award must be made by a colleague or community working, preferably one within the school/centre where the person is currently working. 

Nominations for the Laudato Si Award must have the support of the school principal to be accepted for consideration by the selection panel. 

In Laudato-Si – On care for our Common Home, Pope Francis paints a picture of the ecological crisis, the biblical roots for our relationship with creation and implores us to reconsider our relationship in line with a theology of interconnectedness or integral ecology. 

This award is an acknowledgment of the recipient’s commitment to the principles of Laudato Si through ecological conversion, eco-spirituality, social justice action and advocacy. 

If you wish to nominate a person but are unsure of the category or some aspect of the nomination process, please email your query to

Nominate Now

Selection Criteria:

The nominee:

  1. Can articulate a connection between their faith and their relationship with creation 
  2. Works actively to change hearts and minds to inspire new ways of living 
  3. Leads others in projects that make a difference and shifts perspectives and thinking 
  4. Demonstrates initiative in connecting social and environmental issues (Integral Ecology) 
  5. Develops initiatives that are attentive to environmental concern and promote care for the earth and its resources 
  6. Advocates for social justice action through responding to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.