Congratulations to the following
Catholic Education Awards recipients for 2024!

Announced at the Catholic Education Awards on May 16 2024

Click 'read more' below the relevant profile to read more about the Award Recipient 2024...

Mirella Romeo

Mirella Romeo

Nazareth Catholic Community

2024 Religious Education Teacher
Mirella Romeo

Mirella Romeo

Nazareth Catholic Community

2024 Religious Education Teacher

Mirella Romeo’s dedication to Catholic education shines brightly.  Since assuming her role as the Year 7-12 Religious Education Coordinator (Mission), Mirella has swiftly become a catalyst for change, igniting a deep sense of Catholic identity throughout Nazareth Catholic Community.

Her fervent passion for Religious Education is evident in her innovative approach to integrating the Catholic Tradition into the educational fabric. Mirella’s commitment goes beyond her official duties; she actively connects with students, employing contemporary pedagogies rooted in the Catholic Tradition to engage them fully. By intertwining Student Faith Formation Days with the Crossways Curriculum at every grade level, Mirella ensures students receive a rich and meaningful Religious Education experience. 

Mirella’s remarkable achievements include her leadership role within the Secondary Religious Education Leaders Association of South Australia (SRELA), where she played a pivotal role in orchestrating the Crossways Learning Sparks Day at Nazareth’s Kidman Park Campus. This initiative exemplifies her dedication to contextualising Religious Education, making it accessible and inclusive for all learners. Through her involvement in events like these, Mirella significantly contributes to students’ spiritual growth and comprehension of faith. 

Her commitment to the Crossways Curriculum is further underscored by her early adoption of the SACE Spiritualities, Religion, and Meaning course at Stage 1. Collaborating with peers, she ensures the course remains relevant and purposeful, evolving to meet the needs of modern students. 

As an advocate for the Crossways Curriculum, Mirella emphasises the transformation of head, heart, and hands. She not only designs learning experiences aligned with CESA’s Crossways Curriculum but also facilitates Retreat Formation Sessions for staff, nurturing their spiritual development alongside their professional growth. 

Mirella’s generosity knows no bounds; she actively supports staff in enhancing their skills to deliver high-quality Religious Education. Through continuous professional development, she ensures the entire staff is equipped to uphold the College’s mission and values. 

Mirella’s approach to teaching Religious Education is both contemporary and inclusive.  Her students resonate with her lessons because she tailors them to their lives, meeting them at their level of understanding.  Mirella fosters connections between Religious Education and social justice, advocating for outreach initiatives and ecological awareness by actively incorporating the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. 

Mirella’s impact on Catholic Education is profound. Her unwavering dedication to Religious Education, effective teaching methods, contextualisation of learning, and support for staff development make her an exemplary candidate for recognition within Catholic Education South Australia. Mirella’s influence extends far beyond the classroom, leaving an enduring mark on the spiritual and professional development of all who she serves. 

Mirella Romeo is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Religious Education. 

Lucina Loro Parham

Lucina Loro Parham

St Mary's College

2024 Religious Education Teacher
Lucina Loro Parham

Lucina Loro Parham

St Mary's College

2024 Religious Education Teacher

Lucina Loro Parham has been an integral part of St Mary’s College since 2002, primarily teaching Drama, Religious Education, and Research Project. Throughout her tenure, she has assumed various leadership roles, including serving as the Retreat Coordinator for the middle school and Acting Religious Education Coordinator. 

As a new teacher in 1979, Lucina made a promise to herself not to replicate the intimidating teaching style she had experienced in her own Religious Education. She fosters an environment in her classroom where questions are encouraged, and students are empowered to explore their beliefs freely. Lucina views Religious Education as a journey of life learning, valuing the diverse perspectives of her students and seeing herself as a learner alongside them. 

In 2024, Lucina was instrumental in developing a new Religious Education formation program for Year 12 students centred on the question, ‘What will a Catholic Dominican Education mean for your life beyond St Mary’s?’ Leveraging her extensive experience, she led a team of staff in crafting a program aligned with the College’s values of truth, justice, and community incorporating actions of the head, heart, and hands.   

Her approach integrates intellectual, emotional, and practical aspects, drawing on contemporary resources, embracing religious diversity, and incorporating Catholic Social Teaching principles. The program actively engages student input and emphasises giving back to the community. 

Lucina is an avid learner and is inspired by her faith.  She has completed a Masters in Theological Studies and a Masters in Catholic Education and often attends weekend professional learning through the Ignatian and Josephite Spirituality Centres.  Annual Catholic Professional Formation modules ensure her presence in the classroom is grounded in new ideas and contemporary theology. 

The Crossways Curriculum guides Lucina’s instructional design, providing a framework that allows for flexibility and depth in Religious Education. As an Arts educator, she incorporates creative expression and movement into her pedagogy, enriching student engagement. 

She draws inspiration from indigenous spirituality and other religious traditions to create a rich and inclusive learning environment. 

Lucina’s impact extends beyond the classroom, contributing to student formation in various capacities. Her dedication to liturgical ministry, retreat coordination, and extracurricular activities reflect her holistic approach to education. She also maintains a vast network of connections, enriching the College community with diverse perspectives and experiences. 

In all aspects of her work, Lucina embodies the values of learning, faith, and social action. Her commitment to shaping compassionate and engaged individuals makes her an invaluable asset to both the Religious Education classroom and the broader school community. 

Lucina Loro Parham is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Religious Education.

Paul Beltrame

Paul Beltrame

Kildare College

2024 Laudato Si’
Paul Beltrame

Paul Beltrame

Kildare College

2024 Laudato Si’

Paul Beltrame, Material Solutions Course leader at Kildare College demonstrates a commitment to and advocacy for Stewardship of the Earth, igniting students with a passion and drive to build a sustainable world for the future. 

Over his 24 years at Kildare College, Paul has nurtured students’ academic growth and enriched and deepened their spiritual connection with creation. Paul has served in various roles, as a highly skilled Biology Teacher, Learning Leader, Pastoral Care Teacher, and most recently leading Material Solutions Course resulting in A+ and Merit achievements. 

An exceptional Biology Teacher, Paul has consistently exemplified excellence in education, evidenced by his students’ outstanding results. His passion for biology extends beyond the classroom, as seen in his involvement with the Orchid Club and his long-term relationship with the staff at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. It is an absolute delight to watch young students propagating endangered orchids during their weekly lunchtime sessions. The Wirra Garden at Kildare College, another of Paul’s initiatives, is testament to his respect for First Nations Peoples knowledge of the local landscape and his collaboration with local Kaurna Elders has fostered a deep and rich understanding and appreciation of biodiversity amongst staff and students. 

Paul’s commitment to environmental conservation extends to practical initiatives such as Bird Banding, Kangaroo Island’s Revegetation project and the search for endangered orchids at Anstey Hill. Through these projects, Paul not only educates students about the importance of environmental stewardship but also actively engages them in firsthand conservation efforts, instilling in them a sense of responsibility towards caring for the earth and its resources. 

Paul’s leadership and ingenuity was the foundation for discussions about ‘what else’ for the College’s female students which led to the Kildare College Innovation Hub, the Tullow Centre. Transforming the curriculum at Kildare College, Paul embodies optimism, resilience and persistence as well as a personal drive for innovation. He delivers a curriculum and innovative pedagogy in woodwork and metal smithing, challenging the stereotype of the female learner. His impact on the College’s students remains evident; with some turning their discovered passion for woodwork into their chosen careers. 

Paul’s visionary leadership sparked a significant shift in the College’s collective perspective, particularly regarding girls’ education. He challenged conventional thinking around pedagogy and environmental sustainability. By encouraging the College to re-evaluate teaching methods and support for the environment, Paul fosters a culture of continuous improvement and forward-thinking within Kildare College. His ability to inspire change and push boundaries has undoubtedly reshaped the College’s perspectives and elevated Kildare’s commitment to excellence. 

Overall, Paul’s positive impacts on the Kildare College community encompass academic achievement, environmental stewardship, spiritual growth, and compassionate leadership, reflecting the values of Catholic teachings.  

Paul Beltrame is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Laudato Si.

Limitless Possibilities Program

Limitless Possibilities Program

Catholic Education Office

2024 Innovative Program
Limitless Possibilities Program

Limitless Possibilities Program

Catholic Education Office

2024 Innovative Program

Melanie O’Leary, Marcia Burgess, Louise Murphy, and Deborah Hansen, from the Catholic Education Office, are the team members behind the Limitless Possibilities Program. Their courageous and innovative approach in designing and implementing this groundbreaking program in developing a new educational initiative required extensive collaboration, consultation, and ongoing evaluation, all of which the Limitless Possibilities Program team successfully navigated. 

The program introduces a Catholic Education South Australia model of Social Entrepreneurial learning, seamlessly integrating intentional curriculum and assessment design with CESA Key Capabilities and Catholic Social Teaching. This innovative approach, coupled with a digital toolkit accessible to teachers across the system, has yielded positive outcomes and earned national recognition with Melanie, Marcia, Louise, and Deborah receiving the 2023 Teacher Award for ‘Excellence in Curriculum Design and Implementation.’ 

The Limitless Possibilities Program empowers teachers to inspire students to become social entrepreneurs, addressing complex societal issues through purposeful engagement with their communities. By aligning with the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) Learning and Teaching Commitment, the program contributes to student agency and excellence in learning outcomes. 

Utilising research-based methodologies such as Problem-Based Learning and Design Thinking, the Limitless Possibilities Program equips students with the skills and mindset required to address real-world challenges. The program fosters hope and agency among students, encouraging them to become changemakers in their communities. 

The team’s emphasis on student voice and agency ensures that the program remains user-friendly and adaptable to individual contexts. Through continuous consultation with teachers and students, the team has created a resource that not only addresses current educational issues but also fosters a sense of motivation and value among learners. 

The Limitless Possibilities Program has made a significant impact across Catholic Education South Australia, empowering students to innovate for a socially just and sustainable future, while supporting teachers in seamlessly integrating social entrepreneurial learning into their classrooms. 

The Limitless Possibilities Program is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Innovative Program.

St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish

St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish

2024 Innovative Program
St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish

St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish

2024 Innovative Program

St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish have actively embraced the initiative of ‘Being Church Together,’ seeking innovative ways to strengthen the bond between the school and the parish. 

One significant aspect of this endeavour has been the transformation of shared spaces within their environment to promote inclusivity, inspiration, and a sense of community. Notably, the office of the Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM) now resides within the Parish Administration area, ensuring convenient access for both school and parish members. 

Additionally, they have prioritised the promotion of collaborative leadership and faith formation through open dialogue. To achieve this, a dedicated teaching staff member from the school has assumed the role of Sacramental Coordinator within the parish, a position previously held by a Pastoral Associate and now supported financially by the Parish. 

These innovative initiatives have yielded several positive outcomes, some of which include the enhanced formation and dialogue between the school and parish community. Improved communication channels between the Parish Priest and APRIM, have facilitated shared calendars, events, and educational opportunities. 

By combining efforts, the school and the parish can provide enhanced support systems for students, families, and staff. This support extends beyond academic and spiritual guidance to include pastoral care, counselling services, and community outreach programs. Together, they work towards common goals such as nurturing spiritual growth, fostering a culture of service, and promoting social justice. 

Deepened interactions and collaborations among staff have expanded avenues for leadership development and relationship building. 

The heightened involvement of school children in the Sacramental program has been a significant testament to the success of the collaborative efforts between the school and parish. With more students actively participating in these sacred rites, the community has experienced a deeper sense of spiritual engagement and unity. This increased participation not only enriches the spiritual journey of each individual student but also strengthens the bonds within the larger community, fostering a shared sense of faith and belonging. 

The collaborative work between the school and the parish of ‘Being Church Together’ has had a positive impact on the overall wellbeing of individuals and the broader community. It strengthens bonds, builds resilience, and empowers individuals to lead purposeful lives grounded in faith, knowledge, and compassion. 

St John the Baptist Catholic School and Parish is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Innovative Program.

Kayla Holding

Kayla Holding

St Joseph’s School, Payneham

2024 Volunteer
Kayla Holding

Kayla Holding

St Joseph’s School, Payneham

2024 Volunteer

Just as The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart embody God’s mission by actively engaging with life to uplift others through various ministries, Kayla Holding’s volunteering extends across multiple areas within the school, positively influencing staff, students, and families alike. 

Kayla is an integral part of the school community, consistently demonstrating her dedication and active engagement in various roles. While serving as Co-Chair of the Parents and Friends at St Joseph’s Payneham, Kayla’s commitment extends beyond her official duties, making a significant impact in numerous areas within the school. 

Kayla generously volunteers her time to organise a wide range of school-wide events. She actively contributes to the School Board as the Parents and Friends representative and serves on the Uniform Committee, dedicating extensive time to the deliberation and implementation of a new school uniform. Moreover, Kayla manages the school’s Second-Hand Uniform Shop, further enhancing the school’s resources and services.  Kayla’s work in the Second-Hand Uniform Shop has enabled her to build rapport with many families.  She ensures that every child has access to clean and respectable attire, fostering a sense of dignity and inclusivity within the school community.  Her actions exemplify the mission of demonstrating God’s loving kindness in everyday interactions. 

This year, Kayla, along with another parent volunteer, initiated out-of-hours extracurricular activities including visual art lessons, dance, coding, and African drumming, ensuring accessibility for all students through subsidisation by the Parents & Friends. Through her multifaceted involvement, Kayla has profoundly impacted the school community, enriching the lives of students and enhancing resources through her diligent fundraising efforts. 

Reflecting on values of Catholic education, Kayla demonstrates a sensitivity and compassion towards others.  She is mindful of those in the community requiring support and considers if there is a way assistance can be provided to such families, ensuring no child misses out. 

Kayla’s tireless service merits recognition, as her consistent dedication over the years has significantly contributed to the school’s growth and development. Despite managing a busy work and family life, Kayla’s unwavering commitment to the school community remains steadfast. 

Kayla’s leadership and organisational skills are evident in her role as the organiser or supporter of various fundraising events. Her work requires meticulous planning, patience, and effective communication, all of which Kayla consistently demonstrates. Given the regularity and diversity of these events, Kayla’s presence and involvement in the school community are constant and invaluable. 

It is clear that Kayla’s volunteering at St Joseph’s School has contributed to ensure a more socially just, equitable, and hope filled future is offered to all students and families. 

Kayla Holding is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Volunteer.

Rob Welsh

Rob Welsh

Xavier College

2024 Education Support
Rob Welsh

Rob Welsh

Xavier College

2024 Education Support

Rob Welsh is an esteemed member of the Xavier College community, serving as an Education Support Officer for an impressive 24 years, primarily in the role of College Library Technician. Known for his exceptional dedication and performance, Rob’s commitment to his core duties sets a standard that distinguishes him as the epitome of an ESO. 

In every interaction, whether with students, staff, or parents/caregivers, Rob embodies and promotes the College’s core values of Respect, Understanding, Affection, and Humour. His role extends far beyond his official responsibilities as he actively contributes to community building and engages in various community-based and curriculum extension activities. 

Rob’s contributions include co-managing the College’s Pedal Prix Team for over a decade, assisting with the management of the College’s Agriculture program, and providing mentoring and support to Library Technicians across multiple campuses. He aligns his efforts with the College’s Strategic Vision and Outcomes by continuously enhancing resources, programs, and learning opportunities. 

Each day, Rob brings to life the four key elements of the College’s Salesian Charter: creating a welcoming home, fostering evangelisation through parish involvement, preparing students for life through education, and providing a joyful playground for social interaction. His caring and genuine interest in the well-being of the Xavier Community has earned him widespread respect and appreciation. 

Rob has experienced his role changing from the early days of managing a library to overseeing and managing the complexities of the Student Hub that today provides guidance and support to staff, students, and even old scholars through the Homework Club. 

Rob is continuously improving and developing the College’s resources, programs and learning opportunities due to his deep understanding of the needs of the students and staff. With his calm and nurturing manner and a deep commitment to inclusion Rob demonstrates outstanding pastoral care for students in need. 

Rob’s impact on the community is profound, particularly in his role in supporting students with specific learning needs. His professional guidance ensures their success, contributing significantly to the quality of education at Xavier College. 

Through his dedication and compassion, Rob has positively influenced the lives of countless students, staff, and families throughout his tenure. 

Rob Welsh is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Education Support. 

Louise Stavrou

Louise Stavrou

St Joseph’s School, Barmera

2024 Education Support
Louise Stavrou

Louise Stavrou

St Joseph’s School, Barmera

2024 Education Support

Louise Stavrou, an Education Support Officer at St Joseph’s School Barmera, exemplifies dedication and commitment to education and community service that goes above and beyond the expectations of her role. 

Louise’s impactful contributions to St Joseph’s School, driven by her dedication, creativity, and commitment to the Catholic faith, have left an indelible mark on the school community. Her leadership embodies the spirit of Mary MacKillop, inspiring others to embrace their roles with passion and purpose. 

Louise is also the school chaplain. In this role, she offers invaluable support to students, staff, and families, providing spiritual guidance and a compassionate presence during challenging times. Her dedication to the spiritual well-being of the school community is evident through her involvement in various outreach programs, including Project Compassion, Minni Vinnies, and the cardboard box sleep out. These initiatives not only raise awareness about social justice issues but also foster empathy and responsibility among students towards others in need. 

Beyond her role as a chaplain, Louise’s commitment to the holistic development of students extends to initiatives like the school’s breakfast club, ensuring every student starts their day with a nutritious meal. She also organises extracurricular activities and events which contribute to a vibrant school environment that nurtures students’ talents and interests beyond academics. 

Louise plays a crucial role in staff formation, assisting teachers in planning masses and liturgies, and enriching the spiritual life of the school community. Her involvement in the sacramental program deepens students’ understanding of their faith and fosters a sense of belonging and spiritual growth.  One of her most significant contributions lies in her ability to make the Catholic faith accessible to students, families, and staff. Through her thoughtful guidance, creative ideas, and nurturing approach, she has fostered an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued. Her commitment to deepening understanding of the Catholic faith has enriched the spiritual lives of many within the school community, inspiring a sense of belonging and purpose. 

Outside the school, Louise is actively involved in Our Lady of the River Parish, serving on the parish council, parish youth ministry, and liturgy group. Her leadership in the parish Lenten program, Laudato Si’ movement, and her role as a key organiser for the diocesan assembly demonstrate her dedication to the broader Catholic community. 

Louise’s tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to education and community service make her a deserving candidate for a Catholic Education Award. Her passion for supporting others and dedication to the values of faith, service, and community serve as an exemplary model for both students and colleagues alike. 

Louise Stavrou has made a profound impact on the school community of St Joseph’s School Barmera through her tireless dedication and exemplary leadership, reflecting the spirit of Mary MacKillop in her hands-on approach to getting things done. Her creativity and exceptional design skills have significantly contributed to promoting the school and the parish, leaving a lasting impression on students and families. 

Louise Stavrou is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Education Support.

Chloe Jones

Chloe Jones

Nazareth Catholic Community

2024 Early Career Teacher (Primary)
Chloe Jones

Chloe Jones

Nazareth Catholic Community

2024 Early Career Teacher (Primary)

Chloe Jones, an Early Years Teacher at Nazareth Early Childhood Centre, shines brightly as a paragon of educational excellence, embodying a steadfast dedication to delivering a Catholic upbringing that prioritises transformative, stimulating, and lifelong learning experiences. Since joining the Nazareth Early Childhood Centre in 2021, Chloe has consistently displayed an unwavering commitment to her role, driven by her remarkable ability to connect with children, families, and colleagues, all rooted in a genuine respect for each individual’s dignity.  

Her approach has not gone unnoticed, with families expressing deep appreciation for her exceptional dedication and going above and beyond in her efforts. Chloe’s adept communication skills have fostered strong, collaborative relationships, creating a shared sense of responsibility and joy for education among all involved. 

Her thoughtful transition processes have revolutionised how children progress through their educational journey and prepare for formal schooling. Recognising the challenges this transition period presents, Chloe has developed initiatives that ensure children feel ready, confident, and supported. 

Beyond the classroom, Chloe’s impact is far-reaching. Through initiatives such as the Culturally Responsive Schooling Research Project, she has spearheaded efforts to navigate the complexities of education, ensuring inclusivity and comprehensiveness remain at the forefront. Her innovative findings have led to the development of educational programs that strike a balance between core learning outcomes and essential life skills, creating an environment that celebrates the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all community members. 

Chloe’s influence extends beyond the confines of her school, as she has shared her research and findings with esteemed academics and educators within both the Catholic education community and the broader public education sector. Her commitment to lifelong learning serves as a beacon of inspiration for both her students and colleagues alike, encouraging a culture of continuous growth and excellence. 

In her work with young children, Chloe instils values of environmental stewardship and civic engagement, empowering them to become leaders in creating the world they desire. Through sustainability inquiry projects, she encourages children to not only reflect on their role in protecting the Earth but also to advocate for change and actively participate in civic processes. The impact of her guidance is evident in the children’s initiatives, such as their submission to Parliament on recycling, which garnered praise for its innovation and passion. 

Chloe’s impact on the Nazareth Early Childhood Centre has been undeniably positive. She embodies the core values of Catholic education, aiming to create a more just, equitable, and hopeful future for communities and society as a whole. Her most notable contribution lies in her remarkable talent for fostering interconnectedness and interdependence.  

With grace and skill, Chloe creates spaces for dialogue that encourage children to reflect on their community values, their commitment to each other, and the wider world, and empowers them to take ownership of their educational journey. This approach significantly enhances their engagement and motivation. Her profound and enduring impact on children and families serves as an inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of thoughtful educational practices. 

Chloe Jones’ dedication to her craft makes her a deserving recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Early Career Teacher (Primary).  

Joseph Burford

Joseph Burford

Blackfriars Priory School

2024 Early Career Teacher (Secondary)
Joseph Burford

Joseph Burford

Blackfriars Priory School

2024 Early Career Teacher (Secondary)

Joseph Burford’s journey in Catholic education embodies the transformative potential of dedication, innovation, and an unyielding commitment to nurturing both academic excellence and holistic development. Starting his teaching career in 2022 at Blackfriars Priory School as a senior mathematics teacher, Joseph has since risen to the pivotal role of Head of the Mathematics learning area, a testament to his exceptional leadership, pedagogical prowess, and profound impact on students and the broader school community. 

Joseph’s educational philosophy revolves around creating engaging, interactive learning experiences that not only impart knowledge but also ignite a lifelong passion for discovery and intellectual curiosity. His innovative teaching methods have revolutionised the learning journey for students, making intricate mathematical concepts accessible and enjoyable. By integrating technology, hands-on projects, and real-world applications, Joseph has demystified mathematics, fostering an environment where students feel empowered to explore, question, and excel. 

In addition to his instructional excellence, Joseph’s leadership as Head of the Mathematics learning area has been instrumental. Recognising the importance of a cohesive, collaborative team, he has cultivated a culture of professional growth, mutual support, and shared vision among his colleagues. Strategic initiatives to enhance curriculum delivery, incorporate interdisciplinary approaches, and provide targeted support for diverse learners have propelled the academic standards and outcomes within the department. 

Joseph’s impact extends beyond the confines of the classroom and departmental leadership. He embodies the values of Catholic education, championing a holistic approach to student development that encompasses intellectual, spiritual, and moral growth. Through his example, students learn the significance of compassion, integrity, and service to others. Joseph’s dedication to inclusivity and respect aligns perfectly with the mission of Catholic Education South Australia, fostering a sense of belonging and community among students and staff alike. 

Furthermore, Joseph’s active engagement with the wider community through extracurricular activities such as managing the First XVIII Football team and organising mathematics competitions and parent engagement initiatives have strengthened the bonds between the school and its surrounding community. 

In nominating Joseph Burford, we celebrate an educator whose remarkable contributions have not only impacted the mathematics learning area but have also left a lasting impression on the lives of his students and colleagues. Joseph’s exemplary leadership, pedagogical excellence, and steadfast commitment to the principles of Catholic education serve as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the profound influence that dedicated, innovative educators can have on shaping the future of our students and the educational landscape as a whole. 

Joseph Burford is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Early Career Teacher (Secondary). 

Alexandra Gavrilidis

Alexandra Gavrilidis

St Mary’s College

2024 Early Career Teacher (Secondary)
Alexandra Gavrilidis

Alexandra Gavrilidis

St Mary’s College

2024 Early Career Teacher (Secondary)

Alexandra Gavrilidis, Humanities and Social Sciences Leader of Learning at St Mary’s College, embodies the essence of an inspiring teacher and emerging leader in Catholic education. Despite her youth, Alexandra displays a maturity that belies her years, spearheading innovative learning initiatives, fostering community engagement, and enriching a culture of learning. 

In her role as the Humanities and Social Sciences Leader of Learning, Alexandra cultivates a collaborative atmosphere among teachers, promoting shared learning design, assessment practices, and moderation techniques. 

Alexandra’s ingenuity shines through projects such as the Headstone Project, a nonprofit venture dedicated to providing headstones for unmarked veteran graves. Collaborating with her teaching team, Alexandra integrated the project into the Year 9 Australian Curriculum, bringing the history of WWI veterans to life through immersive experiences, guest speakers, and field trips. By connecting students with current families of fallen soldiers, Alexandra facilitated inter-generational dialogue and empathy, fostering profound connections and lasting memories. 

Her commitment to community engagement extends to events such as a Remembrance Day ceremony, which Alexandra orchestrated to honour fallen soldiers and raise awareness within the school community. By inviting inspirational female role models from the armed forces, Alexandra empowered students to reflect on themes of peace, service, and sacrifice through a Catholic lens. 

Alexandra’s passion for Humanities and Social Sciences education has invigorated her students and colleagues alike, leading to notable achievements such as a State Champion Medal in the Australian History Competition and recognition in the Refugee Week Youth Poster Competition.  

In addition to her formal leadership role, Alexandra has established a Humanities Club driven by student voice, providing a platform for dialogue on contemporary issues. Whether organising engaging events like the Medieval Fair or supporting curriculum development and moderation, Alexandra consistently demonstrates her unwavering commitment to enriching the learning experience through the Humanities. 

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Alexandra’s versatility and adaptability make her a valuable asset to the school community. Her diverse skill set enriches every aspect of school life. 

Alexandra’s dedication to listening and seeking feedback is evident in initiatives such as the St Mary’s Learning Integrity Policy, where she engaged stakeholders through focus groups and workshops to address complex issues including Artificial Intelligence in learning. By incorporating diverse perspectives and Catholic values, Alexandra ensures that her initiatives resonate authentically with the school’s ethos. 

Alexandra’s multifaceted talents, deep commitment to community, and unwavering dedication to enriching the learning experience exemplify the highest standards of educational practice in Catholic education. Her ability to navigate complex challenges with grace and empathy underscores her role as a visionary leader and advocate for inclusive, values-driven education. 

Alexandra Gavrilidis is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia for Early Career Teacher (Secondary). 

Laura Donnellan

Laura Donnellan

St Thomas School and Preschool

2024 Experienced Teacher (Primary)
Laura Donnellan

Laura Donnellan

St Thomas School and Preschool

2024 Experienced Teacher (Primary)

With 23 years of teaching experience in Catholic education, including 11 years as the Lead Teacher for Year 6 and 7 students at St Thomas School and Preschool, Laura Donnellan has consistently demonstrated her dedication and expertise. Recognised as a certified Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher in 2022, she has held various leadership positions, including STEM, Catholic Identity, and Literacy responsibilities. 

Laura’s approach to teaching reflects a deep sense of gratitude, pride, and inspiration. Central to her teaching philosophy is the unwavering commitment to prioritise every child’s needs in every decision, program, and opportunity, ensuring they transition from primary school as capable learners and resilient individuals prepared for the challenges of senior school. 

Laura’s commitment extends beyond the classroom, as she introduces extracurricular opportunities for students to excel in debating, Tournament of the Minds, Davinci Decathlon, writers’ awards, and STEM applications. Her dedication to nurturing gifted and talented students led to the establishment of the SPARK program, providing enriching lessons tailored to individual needs. 

Laura embodies the values of Catholic education, ensuring that students are not only academically prepared but also spiritually and personally enriched. Laura’s mission is to empower students to become confident, capable learners aligned with God’s vision. Her selfless dedication to supporting colleagues, parents, and the broader community reflects her commitment to excellence in learning, teaching, and student outcomes, guided by the school’s mission and purpose. 

Laura is an outstanding educator who exemplifies a “whole child” pedagogical approach to learning and teaching.  Laura is continuously seeking to gain a better understanding of all her students and how best to support them. She shares this knowledge with her peers and supports staff to ensure that they too are best able to provide the students with appropriate support and guidance. Laura continuously seeks and explores opportunities for the children to pursue their passions and experience success. 

At all times Laura embodies integrity and compassion, through her honest and respectful engagement with students, parents, and staff. 

Laura Donnellan is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Experienced Teacher (Primary). 

Winnie Fitzgerald

Winnie Fitzgerald

Samaritan College

2024 Experienced Teacher (Primary)
Winnie Fitzgerald

Winnie Fitzgerald

Samaritan College

2024 Experienced Teacher (Primary)

Winnie Fitzgerald embarked on her teaching journey at Our Lady Help of Christians’ School, now known as Samaritan College in 1981, and has remained dedicated to the institution for an impressive 43 years.  

Winnie’s recognition in receiving this award is not based on her years of service but for the profound impact and enduring legacy she has left. Working tirelessly with thousands of students in the performing arts, she has defied the odds in a community where such endeavours have not always been the priority. Despite challenges, Winnie has persistently championed arts and music, providing countless young individuals, as well as staff members, with opportunities to shine on and off the stage, enriching their lives in ways they may never have imagined without her guidance. She has nurtured a culture of pride and aspiration in the performing arts within the college and the wider community.  

The immense dedication required to stage eleven musical productions, underscores Winnie’s commitment to excellence. Furthermore, she has inspired numerous staff members at Samaritan College to join in this artistic journey. Winnie’s ability to ignite passion and dedication in others is evident, earning admiration from the Mayor of Whyalla, who recognises the college’s exceptional contributions to the performing arts scene. 

Despite her high expectations for performance standards, Winnie warmly embraces any student eager to participate, ensuring that hundreds of students have had the opportunity to discover their talents under her guidance. Her willingness to share her theatrical expertise with the parish community through liturgical dances and Gospel processions has added depth and reverence to the college’s celebratory events. 

Winnie’s unwavering commitment to the arts has not only elevated her to legendary status within the Diocese of Port Pirie but has also left an indelible mark on generations of students and colleagues, shaping their lives, and fostering a deep appreciation for the performing arts. 

Her involvement in the Catholic Schools Music Festival as a choir trainer since 1998 is equally remarkable, spanning 26 years of dedication.  

Winnie’s commitment extends beyond mere participation; she ensures that students from Whyalla have the opportunity to shine on the Festival Theatre stage in Adelaide, involving logistical challenges including overnight trips. 

Winnie’s legacy lies in her unwavering commitment to the performing arts and her ability to instil a sense of pride and excellence in all who have had the privilege of working with her. 

Winnie Fitzgerald is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Experienced Teacher (Primary). 

Rosslyn Mattner

Rosslyn Mattner

St Francis de Sales College

2024 Experienced Teacher (Secondary)
Rosslyn Mattner

Rosslyn Mattner

St Francis de Sales College

2024 Experienced Teacher (Secondary)

Rosslyn Mattner has been an exemplary member of the St Francis de Sales community for 23 years, serving as a teacher, leader, and parent with utmost dedication. Highly esteemed by all, her recent focus has been on guiding students through their final years of secondary schooling while concurrently holding the senior leadership positions of Year 11-12 Leader and SACE Coordinator. Despite facing personal health challenges, Rosslyn selflessly stepped in to fill the role of HASS Learning Area Specialist when needed, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to the community and each individual student she deeply cares for. 

Known for her compassion and empathy, Rosslyn shows great affinity for those on the margins, especially vulnerable students, and families. She embodies the importance of building strong and respectful relationships with students and their families, a principle she instils in new staff members. Rosslyn’s profound understanding of her students allows her to provide support that goes beyond academic realms. Many former students maintain contact with Rosslyn post-graduation, eager to reconnect whenever they encounter her in the local community. 

As a highly regarded member of the Hills community, Rosslyn possesses unparalleled knowledge of the region and the college’s history and traditions. Her expertise as a teacher is widely recognised, with graduating students consistently praising her exceptional skills. Rosslyn generously shares her knowledge through formal and informal mentoring roles, guiding colleagues in task design and criteria development to ensure accurate assessment of student progress. Her dedication to excellence earned her national certification at the Highly Accomplished career stage and recognition as the South Australian History Teacher of the Year. 

Rosslyn’s commitment to student success is evident in her collaborative approach to supporting diverse learning needs. She demonstrates remarkable flexibility and adaptability, teaching across various subject areas and assuming leadership roles with unwavering dedication. Her influence extends beyond the classroom as she works closely with the SACE Board and the South Australian Teacher Certification Committee to enhance educational outcomes and support professional development initiatives. 

Rosslyn’s involvement in co-curricular activities, including camps, retreats, and historical events, reflects her commitment to providing enriching experiences for students. Her service to the community is rooted in a deep and impactful personal faith, serving as a beacon of inspiration for students, colleagues, and parents alike. 

Rosslyn Mattner is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Experienced Teacher (Secondary). 

Paul Belton

Paul Belton

St Paul’s College

2024 Leadership Excellence
Paul Belton

Paul Belton

St Paul’s College

2024 Leadership Excellence

Paul Belton has made an extraordinary contribution to Catholic education in South Australia over the course of 43 years. During his illustrious career, he has transitioned into Secondary Education, teaching Mathematics, Physical Education, and Religious Education, while assuming increasingly senior and executive leadership positions at various institutions including St Michael’s College, Marcellin Technical College, Rostrevor College, and currently, St Paul’s College. 

A recipient of a Catholic education himself, Paul’s dedication, humility, and steadfast Catholic ethos have not only made him an exceptional leader but also a devoted family man. Actively involved in the Henley Beach Parish, Paul balances a family of six children and 14 grandchildren with his deep-rooted faith. 

Paul’s leadership is characterised by a student-first approach, evident during his tenure as ‘Sports Master’ at Blackfriars, where he displayed an unwavering commitment to student well-being. Despite a celebrated football career, Paul dedicated his Saturdays to coaching primary teams, embodying servant leadership long before assuming the role of Principal at St Paul’s College. 

Paul’s dedication to student well-being and academic achievement has been unwavering throughout his career.  His deep understanding of students and their families serves as an inspiration to all. He is driven by a desire to see every student thrive and succeed. His hands-on approach to student care and management demonstrates his commitment to their holistic development. 

Appointed Principal of St Paul’s College in 2015, Paul continues to lead with humility, passion, and wisdom. His deep commitment to Catholic traditions and relational spirituality is evident in his genuine concern for students and their experiences. Paul’s leadership has revitalised St Paul’s College, transforming it into a thriving educational institution focused on student well-being and academic excellence. 

Under Paul’s guidance, St Paul’s College has achieved remarkable growth in enrolment and academic outcomes, with 100% SACE completion becoming the norm. His strategic vision has led to the expansion of the college to a Reception to Year 12 profile and in 2022, its transition into a co-educational institution, ensuring more students have access to quality Catholic education. 

Paul’s legacy in Catholic education in South Australia is unparalleled, reflecting his unwavering dedication to student success. His leadership has not only shaped the educational landscape but also touched the lives of countless students and community members. 

Paul Belton is a worthy recipient of the 2024 Catholic Education Award South Australia in the category of Leadership Excellence.